Choral Identity and the Chorus of Elders in Greek Tragedy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2011)

“In this provocative study, U.S. Dhuga challenges perceived views of the role of choruses of elders in Greek tragedy and illuminates the way that political context and the relation between ruler and subject defines their surprisingly varied identities.”

— Helene Foley

“The identity and role of the chorus is one of the central topics in the contemporary study of Greek tragedy, and this book makes an important and original contribution to the debate. Dhuga challenges the widely held view that choruses are socially marginal and excluded from political power. He focuses on choruses of old men and argues convincingly that they are not necessarily marginal because they are old. He offers thoughtful and sensitive analyses of five plays, with many new insights. The book is both scholarly and well written, with helpful summaries at the end of each chapter and a clear overall argument.”

— Michael Lloyd




“‘Not Me Go to England No More’: Michael Farrell’s Writing Australian Unsettlement.Antipodes. A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature. Vol. 30.1, pp. 206-220. June 2016. Review-essay.


A Zoo Is Not a Zoo, or, Ecopoetics for Children.” Review of: Riordan, Mark. 2016. The Poetry of Queensland: B. J. P. Burnyside Anthology, Book Six. Middletown, Del.: CreateSpace. Antipodes. A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature. Vol. 30.1, pp. 240-242. June 2016. Book review.


Ahead by Centuries: Stephen Edgar’s Exhibits of the Sun.Antipodes. A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature. Vol. 29.2, pp. 480–483. December 2015. Review-essay.


Comedic Cohesion: Clive James’ New Verse Translation of The Divine Comedy.Antipodes. A Global Journal of Australian/New Zealand Literature. Vol. 28.1, pp. 229-233. June 2014. Review-essay.


Genre Equality.” Review of: Swift, L. A. 2010. The Hidden Chorus: Echoes of Genre in Tragic Lyric. Oxford: Oxford University Press. The Classical Review. Vol. 63.2, pp. 337-339. October 2013. Book review.


 “Choral Identity in Sophocles’ Oedipus Coloneus.American Journal of Philology. Vol. 126.3, pp. 333-362. Autumn 2005. Academic article.